8 Epic Halloween Costumes

Halloween is only a few weeks away which means it’s time to kick your costume planning into high gear. We’ve collected some of the most epic (and still do-able!) costumes from around the web to inspire your creative juices. Pick one of these and you’ve got that costume contest in the bag!

Angelina Jolie Halloween Costume Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie and Brad PItt have, what? Like 14 kids between the two of them now? Okay, okay,only 6 kids, but still, they seem to be the Pokemon of parents, their slogan should be “Gotta catch ‘em all”.

Head in a jar costumeHead in a Jar

Want to win the creepy award at your office Halloween party? With some creative shirt and glove stuffing and a well glued jar you’ll be head and shoulders above the rest. Sorry, couldn’t resist.

edward scissorhands costumeEdward Scissorhands

Johnny Depp, eat your heart out out. This pre-schooler’s parents get a virtual high-five from the PlaceFull team for their creativity, attention to detail, and “awwww”-inspiring devotion to all things Burton.

banksy costumeBanksy

Corporate art got you down? Feeling antagonistic toward “the man”? Are you misunderstood by the masses? Brush up on your contemporary artists and give your Halloween party a hefty-dose of alterna-culture.

castaway couple costumeCast Away Couple

Couple’s costumes are a dime a dozen. Red and Green M&M’s, Crayola Crayons, Bert & Ernie. Credit goes to those couples who think outside the FedEx Box like this pair dressed as Tom Hanks and Wilson from Cast Away.

pride and prejudice zombiesPride and Prejudice and Zombies

Jump on the bandwagon before the movie comes out! From the author of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies turns Jane Austen’s Regency-era England on it into a land filled with brain-hungry Zombies. The perfect excuse to wear a pretty dress and, you know, eat people’s brains.

baby lobster costumeLobster Baby

Baby car seats may be useful for carrying the bambino around but they’re so unstylish. Go all on-theme by putting your spawnling in a lobster costume (crab, frog, chicken, they all work) and carry them around the party in a jumbo soup pot!

barbie head costumeBarbie Makeup Head

Back in the 80’s Mattel launched an incredibly creepy bust of Barbie rising from a froth lavender chiffon complete with a makeup and hairstyling kit. While coveted by many a little girl, legions of parents saw it for what it was, a really crappy toy. Which leads us to living the dream now that you’re an adult.


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