Roller Hutt


Parties: Roller Hutt

Have your next birthday or fun get together battling your friends in a fun game of Laser Tag! Inquire about times and dates for parties by clicking the "Send Inquiry" button.

Corporate Event: Roller Hutt

What better way to bond as a company than going after your co-workers with a game of Laser Tag. Inquire about times and dates for events by clicking the "Send Inquiry" button.

Group Events: Roller Hutt

Enjoy a heart pounding game of Laser Tag with your group. Inquire about times and dates for your tour by clicking the "Send Inquiry" button.


Business Overview

It all began shortly after the Craig Dlugokecki moved his family to Garrettsville. Craig had been managing a roller skating rink in Chagrin Falls, so he had his eye on Garrettsville's rink, the Rainbow Arena, located at the corner of Hewins Road and State Route 88. He became Read more
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